Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Bellows in Top Shape
Date : October 6th, 2022Posted By : JRE Staff

How to Maintain Your Metal Bellows – 6 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Bellows in Top Shape

When you think about it, your metal bellows function as a moving part that has to deal with a lot of pressure. It is constantly being pushed and pulled in one direction, and that’s not easy on any mechanical component. You can imagine how much strain it must be under – especially as it ages.

Metal bellows must be well-maintained to keep them functioning optimally for as long as possible. Several factors will determine how long your bellows last. Kompaflex bellows are one of the best brands out there.

Check for Leaks

This might seem obvious, but it’s also very important. If you notice any signs of leakage, you need to check them out. A leak can be caused by several things, such as a tear in the material, a faulty seal, or a loose mounting point. A leak can be very dangerous to your equipment and the people who work around it. It can also cause major damage to your machine.

Rotate Your Bellows

It depends on your bellows and how often they get used. The more you use your bellows, the more wear and tear you will see on them. That’s just how it is. However, you can somewhat minimize this effect by rotating your bellows. Rotating your bellows will allow you to distribute the wear and tear more evenly, allowing them to last longer. Some manufacturers recommend turning the bellows every three to five years, while others recommend rotating them every ten years.

Repair Dents and Bends

If you notice that your bellows have dents and bends, you should get them fixed as soon as possible. You don’t want to wait until they are big enough to cause a leak. The sooner you set them, the less likely they cause serious damage.

Lubrication is Key

It is important to keep your bellows well-lubricated at all times. This will help them maintain their shape and protect them from corrosion. Bellows that aren’t properly lubricated are more susceptible to wear and tear. You should check the manufacturer’s instructions to see what lubricant is best for your bellows. The best way to lubricate your bellows is to spray them. Spraying them will allow the lubricant into your bellows’ nooks and crannies.

Maintain your seals

The seals on your Kompaflex bellows are there to keep contaminants out of the interior of your equipment. The seals will wear out over time, but you can prolong their life by taking good care of them. It would be best to clean the bellows seals once every six months. Your best cleaning option will vary depending on the make and model of your bellows.

Check your mounting points

The mounting points on your bellows are responsible for holding the bellows in place. Over time, these mounting points will wear down. This can lead to your bellows moving slightly and leaking. You can prolong the life of these mounting points by thoroughly cleaning them and keeping them lubricated. It would be best if you also inspected them for any wear and tear. If you notice signs of wear, you should get the mounting points replaced as soon as possible.

Final Take

Bellows are an important part of any machine. They are constantly under a lot of strain and must be well-maintained to keep them in good shape. Several factors will determine how long your bellows last, such as how often they are used, how well they are maintained, and how well they are stored. Call 91-22-66368932 to know more!

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